
summary 04 (00100)

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[ A summary of the blog snowleopard.info on the networks controlling the world. ] ...
global connections are good, supranational control is not
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Globalization means leaders gave joined and try to exert totalitarian power. On the other hand, trade, travel, exchange of ideas are good. Unfortunately globalization reduces common people’s ...
The New World Order
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News media, politicians and big enterprise have joined in large parts of the world. This network also includes Russia, China and the Arab world. Newspapers write the same storie ...
Create and maintain fake conflicts
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Conflicts between leaders and nations are faked. Conflicts created between troups of people within a country are intended to be real. Purposes: 1. Hide the N ...
1. Geopolitical, military fake conflicts, sanctions, cold war, war mongering
The cold war is a process where the super powers act like mobsters selling protection. One of the super powers will attack or otherwise scare independent countries into the ...
consider the effects of war, not causes
The global networks can manipulate almost any situation into war if it is needed for their purposes. These manipulations can be highly irrational, like Putin suddenly wishing to extend the borders ...
middle east
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The conflicts in the Middle East are mostly fake. Promoting an image of conflicts serve the following purposes 1a. A m ...
How Ukraine war is an attack on Europe. 2014: A USA/CIA orchestrated coup on Ma ...
Ukraine war is a superpower attack on European energy and industrial production
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Ukraine war is a ways to produce the next crisis. ...
The perfect weapon: Good connections with Israel, live in 4 ountries and can cause rebellion in all of them. Other ME immigrants and Kurds emphasize mutual conflicts. ...
national borders
Natinoal borders are sacred … only if they can cause war. ...
sanctions, not diplomacy
The networks promote conflict by using sanctions and not diplomacy. The west uses sanctions against Belarus and Russia after presidential elections and annexation of Crimea. Sanctions will enhance ...
counteract law and diplomacy, enlarge problems; united nations
Belarus is accused of hi-jacking a plane (2021) but no demands are made to make police investigations. Instead EU imposed sanctions on the country and give €3 bn to the opposition, which will med ...
the terrorists’ objectives
Many terrorist attacks are constructed to create conflict and instill fear of muslims into the Western population. Terrorism is also used to connect national movements to violence. ...
violence, nazism, terrorism & shootings used to support EU and globalism
EU and global organizations try to support violence in order to make countries weak and controllable. New media also try to connect terrorism and violence to national activities (like IRA, ETA, Cor ...
Vietnam war
How could the US lose the war? Quite simply it was a way to keep up an image of cold war. Focus of conflict was then moved to the middle east in order to flood Europe with refugees to break up the ...
Cold war, fake wars
The cold war was exaggerated. Fake globalist media like Swedish major daily DN and others stress a possibility of Russian invasion. Afghanistan and Ukraine wars fake. What others were also faked? ...
cold war targets
russia Iran (crisis during Trump regime) Syria N.Korea ...
China part of the trilateral economy. ...
Ukraine war
War in Ukraine restarts cold war. ...
border territories, disputed areas
Areas with ethnicities different from the rest of the country are used to create conflicts, like Crimea. These conflicts are not intended to be resolved. ...
2. Political fake conflicts
Left and right collaborates. Left creates chaos, right privatizes. Left imports muslims, right spread hatred towards them. In Russia an image of Putin against the oligarchs is p ...
the woke billionaire, left government-right budget
Woke billionaires became common around 2019. Not only Soros was left. Many others promoted progressive ideas, like Swedish H&M heir Stefan Persson. ...
military conflicts are exaggerated, influencing is hidden
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World #1 military US: Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan: Gulf was the only clear win. The conflicts are intentionally drawn out to keep an image of conflict. ...
a string of conflicts
An image of military conflict must always exist. As soon as one conflict is diminishing, another is getting stronger. This has given a string of conflicts: Iraq – Syria &# ...
using border conflicts
Ukraine war was used to scare countries into NATO. wwr: 79855222 Det är bara ett globalt skåd ...
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An image of rearmament will 1. Give the impression nations want war. Thereby a global government is advocated. 2. Sow hatred between peoples. 3. Deplete funding and put governments at the control o ...
3. News media disagreements
Disagreements between media are sometimes described. They are fake. News media are under common leadership and all follow the global ...
4. other fake conflicts
Musk says he must flee from harsh Californian authorities and go to Texas. But the true reason for his mov ...
conflict matters, not right/wrong or win/lose
Conflicts are used to promote activities or information. Conbflicts are often designed to make people take sides in order to create interest, engagement and divide the population. ...
New frontiers and weapons
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Politicians, media and corporations vs people, media slant, mass surveillance … News media, politicians and big enterprise have united against the people. The weapons of t ...
Borders are broken
Borders are broken down to simplify control from above and to introduce immigrants to create conflict and eradicate national culture. Mass immigration is supported. ...
cultural obliteration, effacement, kulturutplåning, erasure
Example: Christmas feeling ...
mass tourism obliterates culture, Airbnb ...
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Look what happened when Belgium ran Congo, now they run Europe from Brussels (EU HQ). ...
control of politicians, corruption
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[ board posts, other lucrative jobs, media pressure, setting in debt ] Controlling poli ...
global politicians, nationalist politicians
Today almost all politicians are entangled in the global networks. These are only some symbols. National Reagan Nixon ...
politicians are punching bags for the people
Global governing must keep countries weak, otherwise they start building things and become strong which threatens the global dicatorship. Therefore politiciaans are mostly ordered by the NWO to tak ...
personal scandals
Personal scandals are constructed around politicians and media will focus on these to cover up political wrongdoings. This is a general mechanism. When large food chains elevate prices, a scandal a ...
blame individuals for system errors; passing the buck (the blame)
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multinationals&EU → politicians → common people = how the buck is passed National politicians take the blame for EU incited problems. ...
let common people solve the problem
The climate crisis is caused by common peoples large carbon footprints and should be solved by common people changing travel and eating habits. Oil companies are kept out of the solution. ...
overthrow popular leaders
Media constantly attacks Trump. Correa. Tidigare har USA och väst helt sonika iscensatt statskupper och regimskiften om man ansåg att ledarskapet tjänade sitt egna folks ...
summary 04 (00200)

Hating one’s country
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If people love their country they will resist foreign influence in its governing. A central part in globalist propaganda is therefore to make people hate their country. (But we should love the EU.) ...
historical revisionism, hiding history
1000 year anniversary of Vikings discovering America 471 years before Columbus is neglected by news media ...
Divide and conquer
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Divide the population into groups (men, women, young, old, native, immigrants, climate alarmists, vegetarians etc) and create conflict between them. ...
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Conflicts between leaders and nations are faked. Conflicts created between troups of people within a country are intended to be real. Instigating conflict is a basic mec ...
provocation (creating injustice/inequality, extreme demands) → aggression → conflict → isolation
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The ultimate goal of the networks is isolation of people to avoid unity. Some mechanisms promoted act on this level, like cell-phones reducing contact in person. As do Corona restrictions of meetin ...
going personal
Taking issues to a personal level is a main regime trick. Trolls divert discussions about systems to attacking others. Personal features of politicians or other actors are highlighted. ...
unfair accusations
The regime imprints fairness in its education. But in society the regime and media makes every effort to break it. E.g. news media coverage is grossly unfair. ...
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Did anyone bother if a person was gay or straight before hired activists started marching down the street in pink undies? ...
worsening conflicts
By sanctions and war, the realitively small original problem of governing Donbas is almost turned into world war. By not using enough force, the war is kept going for long time. Russia is excluded ...
setting groups into conflict, identity politics
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Conflict is built into messages. Black Lives Matter will separate blacks from whites. The global regime fears unity. Therefore we will not hear All lives matter. The Swedish government is feminist, ...
professional activists
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The extrovert gays of the sexualized pride parades are professional activists, not representing the majority of gays. In the same way Bristol is a progressive showcase. Greta at ...
activism is controlled
Greta gets lauded reception in Bristol, big publicity in media. But Bristol is a left wing showcase, getting money from Brussels, green capital of Europe. Media also control act ...
activism creates the problems
Activists are hired to create problems that do not exist. See also above: professional activists. ...
cover activists and do the opposite
media often cover the activists and protests and not the decisions made. abortion (US Supreme court overturns Roe v Wade and gives state authorities right to legislate over abo ...
criticism is vague and not constructive
Criticism is not focused and constructive but intended to worsen conflicts. ...
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When politicians do not follow the wish of the people, the people become discontent and must be surveilled. News papers will contain many stories of revolution and unrest that are false and only st ...
social democray is smeared
Social democracy built peaceful, well functioning countries. A balance was between government, opposition, enterprise and unions ...
connecting nationalism to nazism, terrorism and other negative phenomena
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Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc. ...
apartheid, multi separation, discrimination
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Division: race, sex, age, diet, sexual orientation, cool/responsible … ...
1. mass immigration, refugees, ethnic and religious conflicts
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Talk about integration is false. News media and the networks instigated mass immigration to Sweden to create conflict. US racial conflicts are enhanced by the organization Black Lives Matter. ...
ad. 1. (1) mass immigration, ethnic, racial and religious conflicts
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At first immigrants were presented as a contribution to society and should be integrated. As more and more immigrants came, the image changed and the press focused on ethnic conflicts and authoriti ...
ad. 1. (2) targets of war
USA went to war against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, supported anti Assad rebels. Had confrontation with Iran. WTC were destroyed. … But all that did not change anything. US left Afghanistan, As ...
ad. 1. (3) Do religions cooperate?
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Judaism, christianity and islam were all invented in the same region of the world. They cooperate in control of the world, e.g. by creating conflicts. ...
ad. 1. (4) Crowding, depleting resources, over population, population explosion
Neglecting over population, filling up countries with immigrants deplete resources, increase competition and conflict. ...
ad. 1. (5) Native indians
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Most conflicts with ethnic minorities are promoted to destabilize governments. Native indians are demoted, though, since the Americans stole their land and try to keep them outside society in reser ...
ad. 1. (6) Religious conflicts
The churches and christians are strong proponents of muslim mass immigration even though the christians do not mix with muslims in society (and often also only hang out with other christians)! ...
ad. 1. (7) Languages
use languages to divide the people ...
2. feminism, conflict men vs women
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Men build nations. To destroy nations, attack men. The purpose of conflicts immigrants/native population or men/women is to split up the population so that the people can not ra ...
women and immigrants getting more positive coverage
women and immigrants constantly being shown doing better than men and native populationS ...
Mostly white men built strong nations with very high degree of equal opportunities and good relations among people and between neighboring countries. White men are therefore attacked in every way. ...
pitching women against men
To enhance conflict between men and women, men and women are often cast as opponents in political and other matters we meet in the newspapers. ...
selective praise
If a woman takes part in an activity where men are usually in majority she receives extremely sgeong positive publicity. ...
female piñatas
To increase division and hatred between sexes, female actors are often put forward as objects of hate. ...
unrest, aborted revolutions, incomplete revolutions
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iran, belarus, Kazakhstan ...
abortion is promoted, the fetus is considered a part of the womans body 1. feminism 2. reduce western population ...
equality, income gaps
Equality is used to eradicate all differences. When e.g. man and women no longer have different roles in a family and will perform the same tasks, they act in the same areas and more easily come in ...
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Cats have been given a special status on the Internet. Many Internet users post large amounts of images of cats making funny things. The reason for this is not fully clear but cats are connected to ...
matching opponents
Assange case has now (Jan 2021) run on for 10 years. All prosecutors and judges except Lewis/extradition have been female. A white man in Sweden is more likely to be received by ...
connecting conflicts
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By connecting conflicts to other groups than those involved, the press (and sometimes the organizers of demonstrations) can make the conflicts bigger. In ...
3. youth revolt
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For example is Greta Thunberg’s agenda centered around turning youth against the older generation. You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your ...
attacking the family
The family is a core structure in society. To destabilize society the family is attacked. Feminism outs women against men and youth revolt puts children against parents. Youth revolt is one means. ...
The Chinese cultural revolution
The Chinese cultural revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, all part of the global agenda ...
infidelity, free sex
One way of attacking the family is to promote infidelity. Clinton-Lewinsky affair. Free sex promoted in Sweden. ...
attacking older, white men
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old=stability, white=native population of developed countries, men=who built naitons Some reasons psychiatry is left-wing is to define normality: ...
youth culture, despising the elderly
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Young people decide less on experience and are more easily influenced. Therefore young people are exploited by the global networks. The Chinese ...
hating engineers
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engineers (trained to see consequences and objectively evaluate systems, sometimes diagnosed as Asperger, build and do not destroy society) ...
promoting women, often non-white; stereotypes
Women are promoted in media and many other fields. ...
4. promoting LGBT
Almost any group can be used by globalists to cause division in society. News media promote gays and describe them as different from others. They are also given a role in media as funny and playful ...
5. alpha male
Alpha male behavior is promoted by some actors, like Iranian dissident Roosh V. ...
6. groups
[climate, veganism, body shape, diagnoses] climate climate activism divides the population ...
group before facts
In many areas of society your group will be more important than the actual situation. Affirmative action for women is one example. A social hierarchy is constructed. ...
1. social to promote conflict and envy 2. In the control of countries, EU is controlled from Paris/Brussels ...
7a. Conflicts between peoples of different nations, indigenous groups
indigenous peoples ...
7b. Conflicts between peoples of different nations or regions
The peoples of different nations are pitched against each other while the leaders unite. ...
7c. Border conflicts
Border conflicts are a very common way to incite instability leading to refugees, weakening of nations, war that also lead to ostensible reasons to divert the flow of financial resources, overtakin ...
8. Conflicts between blocks
EU promotes cold war. Hatred against Russia to take over Ukraine. ...
pseudotargets: France, Italy, Spain
The populations of different countries are made to hate other countries or populations to hide that the same etworks control them all. France is a decoy for EU dominati ...
sports, outdoor
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Sports can not be important in a society in decay. National broadcaster TV4 stops sport broadcasting. Sports stimulate national and local pride and is therefore demoted. ...
attack on Nordic countries and white men
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Attacking and splitting up the Nordic countries. The Nordic countries had highly developed societies, not ba ...
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Russians, Icarus, Rodchenkov, false evidence, no one could open the bottles, neutrals, $10 mn fine, RUSada infiltration Besseberg Bahta lost medal, not Colem ...
summary 04 (00300)

9. The Internet
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+: people can access information more easily. The regime’s web of lies is starting to fall apart / -: mass surveillance The Internet is the biggest cha ...
10a. Internet trolls
The basic action of trolls (shills) is to cause conflicts in foras using vague information presented in media. The conflicts will split up the population and common ideas that can be used to influe ...
10b. Internet forums, foras; moderation, Off Topic and Conspiracies
1. label connections to global political processes as conspiracy theories and mix them with crazy theories like if the world is flat. 2. label as Off Topic and use different me ...
10c. Internet shutdown
2020: globalists seem to start breaking up the internet. Internet shutdown ...
10d. forums closing
Forums closing, Snowleopard ...
11. conflict between individuals
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To try to make people with different views angry is a main m.o. of globalist actors. Much hatred in society is constructed by globalists. This is not only done by pitching groups against each other ...
12. people against government
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Stir up rebellion against national government to have decisions moved to the EU. Plastic tax ...
13. corporations against government and people
Elon Musk and Californian authorities faked a conflict to make Musk move to traditional Texas and spread liberal culture there. (Musk climed regulations were too hard.) Tesla an ...
Ad. 13. corporations rule
Corporations always win and individuals are considered dumwits ...
14. PC, Mac, Apple, Android
Progressive image connected to Apple. Technical to PC. ...
15. any conflict
Any conflict is promoted, even if the opponents have no singificance since we should be trained to use conflict instead of cooperation. ...
16. following vs analysis
By promoting illogical ideas news media creates a conflict between thosw who follow the media and those who question it by analyzing the information. ...
17. Pets, dogs vs cats
Cats are portrayed as cool. Leaders on the opposite side in the cold war are portrayed as dog lovers. ...
18. Rich/elite vs ordinary
Now the most competent astronauts are not sent to space but the billionaires having money to buy a ticket. Musk vigorously fights his $50 bn bonus invaludated in court and threatens to work poorly ...
19. Slim vs stout
Global linked to slim, like Greta, Leyen. National linked to stout, like Trump, Boris Johnson, Orbán. ...
disagreement, discord, missämja
Konflikt är centralt i det globala budskapet. ...
violence, robberies
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To enhance division and conflict, the system promotes violence, e.g. in movies (Hollywood) and video games. ...
crime as a defense against globalization
crime is used to maintain segregation. Mindanao is said to have terrorism. This rumor is speread since people do not wish the island to be converted into a tourist chaos like Bo ...
Claiming to fight discrimination, the agenda itself discriminates. Greta Thunberg discriminates against white (racism), men and older people. ...
cancellation by banks and large corporations, gang stalking, career suppression
Anyone opposing the global agenda will easily be identified through mass surveillance and will encounter problems in relations with large corporations. The large corporations no more have competiti ...
separation and isolation
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[Flying shame,CovidLockdown,feminism,mass-immigr,terror,shootings,cost o living&gas…] Stop people from meeting or having contacts (Cp the movie The Matrix) ...
reduced mobility, isolation, trade barriers, tariffs
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Leaders unite and keep their peoples in conflict. Travel makes understanding between peoples possible. Travel therefore makes it more difficult for the leaders to command their people by imagined t ...
hostile environment, fear; Covid, shootings, gang related crime, residence, reconstruction, transfer to (smart) cities, city planning, architecture, countryside, mail order, living in couples
One way to promote isolation is producing a hostile environment. Covid makes people fear getting infected. Shootings make people fear go outside. ...
impeding travel by air and other means [air travel], railways, trains
Air travel is intentionally made difficult to stop people from communicating. ...
isolation by Internet manipulations, bureaucracy
Shutting down the world by Internet manipulations and bureaucracy. Snowleopard ...
isolation by stick or carrot
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stick: unfriendly environment carrot: cocooning Mass immigration, dividing society into groups and not trying to integrate them. Ban on m ...
dampening gatherings, celebrations etc
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Gatherings and celebrations are dampened as much as possible. Covid dampens Olympics 2020, new Covid variant Omicron and energy crisis in Europe dampens Christmas celebrations 2021. ...
dysfunction (work, police, medicare etc)
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Big corporations spread conflicts. Big enterprise spread conflicts. ...
leaders must be poor and will fall
Politicans and leaders are chosen after their ability to destroy their own country wihout making people understand that the destruction is intentional (to stop local initiatives from competing with ...
society’s regression towards the Stone Age
Society’s regression to the Stone Age (Northvolt, NASA …) ...
control of money flow, impoverishment of nations (1), corruption
EU collects money for cohesion (some say corruption). Developmental assistance work similarly. ...
inflation (price hikes), artificial deficiencies, economic withholding
Monopoly companies raise prices and politicians call it inflation. ...
impoverishment (2) of the people
In a global system taxes are often high in order to keep the people weak and dependent. Other mechanisms are used to transfer wealth from people to large corporations, like the energy crisis which ...
global blackmail
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Billiionaires and large corps blackmail countries by threatening to leave unless receiveing subsidies and tax reliefs. ...
short selling
financial role models are short sellers like Soros, Burry, not investors like Buffet. ...
economists vs technicians
Technicians improve products and compete. Economists follow global agenda. ...
self-destructive behavior
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Trump – Did not accept Biden win, did not condemn Capitol Riots Scholz – Does not buy Russian gas (US order) Putin – invaded Ukraine ...
honesty, productivity, cooperation, helpfulness
The system will create a divide between on one side people that are honest, productive, helpful, non-discriminating and on the other side, those that are not and wish to partake in the spread of co ...
creating lazy bums, slacking off, no work trend
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Trenden: The anti-work movement wwr: 78525124 De som sköter det hela verkar ha bestämt att v ...
Decadence is exported to the West from e.g. China. Eastern coutries protect their populations. Decadence is even exported from the US West Coast to Europe to break Europe. See: US attack on Europe ...
no heros
Heros and role models are not allowed to form. The networks can only prevail in chaos. See: leaders must fall. ...
destabilization and chaos (1)
Chaos will impede unity and thereby democratic demands. Inconsistent rules create conflict. Logical builders of society will be demoted. When there are no written rules, leaders can not be held res ...
authority, breaking down
While authority remained in Sweden, newspapers encouraged people to criticise it. Now that authority is moving to the global networks, newspapers slant articles against people that criticize those ...
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Many of the processes used by globalists to create chaos and undercut democracy are ways of destabilizing society. ...
changing views, changing opinions
2024 Trump and Tucker Carlson promotes Tesla. Trump VP candidate has changed opinion in all major issues, the last years ...
global leaders are often short lived
wwr: 78854858 Finns det någon som gillar Zelensky? (Volodomyr Zelensky, Ukraine) ...
turning hierarchies, the dictatorship of the proletariat
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One way of destabilizing society is to turn hierarchies upside down. Put competent people at the bottom. When Kublai Khan was emperor of China, intellectuals were given a very low rank in society. ...
Reorganization without the neeed to do so can be used to create chaos and control leadership of organizations. ...
creating problems leads to too complex solutions; overpopulation disregarded
Global organizations create problems and use alleged counter measures to manipulate e.g. flows of money and people. EU lets the energy producers construct an energy crisis. Sweden could easily supp ...
no fixed rules, vague rules or personal decisions
To make us used with dictatorship, rules are replaced by personal decisions. Like China. ...
A$AP Rocky (ASAP Rocky), Drake. ...
Euthanasia, part of progressive agenda. As of 2022, euthanasia is legal in Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain and several states of Austr ...
wealth, money
The global networks are in very strong financial control. After buying newspapers and politicians (e.g. by board posts) they can just continue transferring taxpayers money to big enterprise they co ...
stock market; volatility, local market promotion; taking private; remote governing (2)
Stock prices are more and more controlled by Internet actors like Reddit/Wall Street Bets or Elon Musk promoting seemingly random stock. The often falsely high evaluation contributes to instability ...
impoverishing (3) the people
financial advice are generally poor or inverted, aimed to make the recipients poor, in order to make them dependent on corporations and forcing them to borrow Robinhood encourag ...
love, hatred and wealth; obsession with money, greed
love, hatred, anger and wealth, social connections, group belongning the regime pushes hard to maintain control by manipulation ...
nazism, national socialism and international socialism are different
nazism, national socialism and international socialism are different ...
smearing national socialism, labor unions and emperors during world war II
The unlikely event of Germany, Japan and Italy teaming up in a world war seems to be a smear campaign against their political systems: Germany/national socialist, Japan/emperor ...
falsely connecting nationalism to Russia
The agenda tries to connect nationalism to Russia. This is all wrong. Protecting you own interests mean opposing take over from any of the superpowers. Posters that oppose US take over of Europe ar ...
location of control
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borrowing Vanguard, BlackRock, UBS, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Larry Fink ...
big corporations, multinationals, oligarchs
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Breaking borders is essential for the multinationals‘ take over ...
central banks
central banks print money when the government wants to overspend in order to put the country in debt so the country can be controlled by international networks through asset managers like BlackRock ...
auditing, accountants
Accounting strongly dependent on high finance and multinationals. ...
World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab
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WEF whitewashes the destructiveness of the global system into a utopia. But there is nothing beyond the conflicts and destruction of the present global dictatorship. WEF also acts like a decoy. Tro ...
Agenda 2030
UN Agenda 2030, signed by most countries contains vague goals that can be used to pressurize countries to follow a common path. Similar to WEF it an also be used by trolls to claim a world governme ...
accepting the unreasonable
Elon Musk now [2021] claims SpaceX will land manned spacecraft on Mars 2026. But the Starship that are tested explodes almost completely, more often than not. It seems completely impossible to land ...
a constant flow of orders
Making citizens obey a constant flow of orders serves the same purpose. Air line hijackings have almost stopped and not letting passengers bring drink through security is not needed but still enfor ...
distraction; counteract mental focusing and the ability to concentrate
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fidgety-toys concentration is a disease (Asperger) ...
society won’t protect you, any problem is your fault
Among other countries Sweden before the 80’s, 90’s protected individuals very well. But now globalization is increasing the distance between authorities and population. Conflict is intr ...
centralization, hierarchy, hierarchical structure
In order for a global dictatorship to carry out control, command chain is hierarchical and power is centralized. ...
city life, centralization
It seems people are moved away from the countryside and smaller communities to larger cities. This is done to split up the sense of unity among inhabitants of a smaller community. In smart cities t ...
Spreading hatred and aggression
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Creating hatred is central to globalization. Globalists start conflicts with other people and incite hatred towards third parties (like muslims, Greta Thunberg, activists etc). ...
1. general
* non-useful customer support, airline check-in etc * the 100 ml x 20 x 20 cm rule at airport security check in * having to wear face masks even though the i ...
2. conflict with the next person
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Globalists will attack fellow men in discussions where it is not motivated, just to stop unity among people. ...
3. promoting an impossible agenda
News media often promote an illogical agenda impossible to carry out. Climate action is promoted but EU only sets up goals and invests €30 bn in fossils infrastructure. This creates anger in the ...
holistic agenda
Media mostly promotes a unified holistic agenda. It is used to create conflict with scientific results. ...
4. aggression against unknown (often famous people/objects/events etc)
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Globalists spread hatred towards many objects, even those they have designed themselves. Globalists spread hatred towards Greta Thunberg. This can make others hate her (and also make it possible to ...
creating hatred against onself
creating hatred against onself ...
define groups and create conflict
Globalists create conflict by: Emphasize the differences between people, create groups, connect properties. Make politics of qualities have no relation to politics, like sexual ...
The global system is a facade run by media. Many organizations do not have depth. Sometimes astroturfing. ...
complaints and whining, no activity
Russia is allegedly committing war crimes in Ukraine but no cases are borught forward to trial in e.g. ICC. ...
Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Northvolt, Tesla: Agenda, not business
High finance has now accumulated such wealth that its main objective is to convert wealth to political control. Therefore profitability is second to influence. ...
attack strong points
Sweden was a more equal country than most. This sense for justice was explointed by the networks to make Swedish people believe they were not equal enough. In Sweden equal opportunities were well i ...
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An efficient way to spread conflict and hatred is to create inequalities. 1. affirmative action for women [ kvotering ] 2. Antidoping a. ...
Democratic system broken down; signs of NWO
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[evidence of NWO] Democracy has been broken and politicians are no longer controlled by the people. Politicians act in unison. There are no agreements or meetings that could mak ...
democracy lost, system change
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See above Authority is moved away from the people to distant authorities like the EU ...
remote governing (1)
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Separate people from power: Kamakura bakufu, Brasilia, Naypyidaw, Brussels (Paris), Washington (New York) … To reduce people’s influence, politicians try to move control away from peopl ...
A strong president can run a country more efficiently than a split-up political system. Presidential candidates formulate clear policies for the voters to reject or support. Therefore it is much mo ...
weak governments
US presidents regularly lose House seats in the midterms. In this way the politicians do not need to take responsibility for their promises but can blame the opposing party for stymying their promi ...
zeitgeist, regression
While control was still in Sweden we were encourage to criticize our leaders, like in the 60’s a and 70’s. But as EU, multi nationals and other global actors take control we are taught ...
taking up the oppressors’ habits
After the revolution, the pigs start walking on the hind legs. ...
attacking referendum, referendas, elections and votes
US election count, no observers in minsk ’21, disrespecting votes in Donbas 2014 ...
attacking parliament
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Politicians intentionally make fools of themselves. Like Sweden plastic tax, Sweden not being able to from government etc. ...
shirking responsibility: confronting institutions, rendering president powerless
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Promises made by president but halted by parliament. ...
voting system
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Proportional representation lists makes us lose contacts with representatives. British system better. Therefore they could take back control in Brexit. Swiss system best. If 50.000 people sign a pe ...
rules based order
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in democratic nation states, rules are the product of a democratic process, and democracy and rules therefore go hand in hand, this is not the case for rules in international politics ...
control of politicians, corruption
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Control of politicians (corruption) through: 1. News slant, feeding frenzy 2. Board posts, ambassador posts, well paid lectures Democracy ...
self hatred
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Hating your own country is central to facilitate global take over, e.g. how the EU takes over control from Sweden. ...
ridiculing democracy
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We are taught that democracy is wrong. When the networks infiltrate Internet forums they intentionally let democratic procedures fail. ...
Lies and inefficiency
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Since the system wants to give an illusion of democracy but is controlled by networks/technocrats the entire image of the system given to people is gravely distorted. The system prevails purely on ...
complete unreliability
News media can lie about anything. Many independent observers of the Skripal case did not believe that Russia and Putin would use military grade nerve gas against civilians in a small British town ...
The illusion of choice
Practically all politicians are corrupt and support global values. Some of them, however, are given the roles to appear to be on the side of the people. Many such politicians regularly have small m ...
Weakening governments
Media promotes weak politicians and support them. Media exaggerate crises, asking for costly and unnecessary measures, impossible for politicians to carry out. Politicians makin ...
the countries’ politicians self destroy
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The national level politicians act detrimentally to themselves in order to facilitate globalist take over. They have been made to do this by e.g. 1. corruption by receiving well ...
from deception to oppression
NWO is moving from deception to oppression due to the Internet. Increased information spread means that deception doesn’t work any more and fascist methods must be applied. NWO now uses censo ...
distorting values: normalizing lies; conformity, evasion and stalling
Truth is replaced by conformity. Say what others say, which is what the newspapers wrote, not the truth. Values become distorted. ...
attacking regulators
Large corps try to rid themselves of democratic incluence by the state. Regulators are attacked. Global super corp leader Elon Musk is often in ...
work, employers, unions
Large global companies like Musk’s Tesla/Starlink (SpaceX) are promoted. Labor unions ...
European Union
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The European Union is a major tool for globalist control of Europe. Look what happened when Belgium ran Congo, now they run Europe from Brussels ( ...
heterogenous, homogenous ...
EU unfinished projects, scapegoats
EU starts green projects to attack countries into financial loss operations. And when all goes kaputt newspapers blame the standard scapegoats memeber countries ...
Corona crisis is really euro crisis; Euro fall 2021-22
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European countries pegged their currencies in 1979 (EMS, EMS wiki, ...
a common currency fails
A currency common to different countries will fail. In the 90’s pegging European currencies made weaker currencies vulnerable to attacks like Soros’ who broke, among others, the nationa ...
Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin
Purpose: Further reduce the people’s influence by undercutting tax base and reduce influence of e ...
channeling money to the EU
Spending is transferred to the EU. The Swedish assistance to developing countries has always been of high quality but is now being criticized. The intention is likely to transfer the money to the E ...
Covid-19, Corona, lockdown, vaccination
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Bill Gates predicted the pandemic Isolation, travel restrictions, bans on meetings, c ...
general energy depletion
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Energy is counteracted in every way from nuclear power lay off to eating energy depleting vegetarian food or banning powerful motorcycles for reasons of emissions. ...
self-depleting sanctions; energy crisis, general energy depletion
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EU creates energy crisis to try to control Europe. EU and the corporations that controls the organization, try to subdue the European countries by making them weak through an energy crisis. ...
dividing and creating dependencies
EU creates dependencies between countries and, using vague rules (like for energy, cross border capacity), creates conflict between them. ...
raw materials, commodoties, natural resources
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raw materials, commodoties – prime targets for globalists ...
summary 04 (00400)

Superpower (US, Russia, EU) attack on Europe
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Us, uk and Russia are bringing down the formerly independent nations of Europe. The news pretend the whole world is dysfunctional to hide the attack on Europe. But in fact US, U ...
weapons of mass migration
US closes migration but bombs Ghadaffi and EU drowns in refugees from US wars. ...
faking problems to make others imitate; US & UK attack on Europe; imitate and fall
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countries central to control fake to have problems that are spread to cubordinate countries ...
progressive culture is exported by the US
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Progressive culture is a showcase in the US and to tome extent in the UK. TV personalities and some government officials are often immigrants, but Europe is exposed to mass immigration. ...
US vs Europe: drugs, alcohol
Europe has developed a heavier culture w/ respect to drinking and drugs, than the US. ...
US operatives, CIA plans
Bill Binney ex NSA, tells about CIA mass surveillance might and worked w/ Kamphuis Ola Bini, Swede trained in US, was intentionally imlicated in a spy scandal and put on teh sam ...
other US take over
[ Assange, Ecuador, Bolivia ] ...
other decoys
Some mass shootings have been questioned as being fake. The 2:nd amendment is often underlined in media. US wishes other countries to believe that mass shootings are normal in U ...
South America, Latin America
Feminism is very central to the global dicatatorship. In order to throw countries into internal conflicts, women must be turned on men. This seems to have been difficult in South America. Tradition ...
worst affected countries
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In a centralized system, peripherally located countries are affected the most. Some peripherally located countries had good wealth rating and have been affected worst, like Canada, Australi ...
islamization, Africanization
Name Malik is hidden islamization Same methods of take over in ...
constant smearing, complaining
The press constantly smears leaders that protect their countries to try to make Europeans believe EU socialism is better but in fact must run down countries in refugee crisis, euro crisis, climate ...
blame the opposition
Global actors like EU try to manipulate in order to blame the opposition. ...
alleged problems should not be solved
The objective of the propaganda seems to be to constantly influence people. The situation should not be change but remain as a notice for them propaganda. For example,the newspa ...
Time an event to make other important events draw attention. Germanwings accident press conference on Sunday morning when there was elections in Germany. 737 ...
yield when it matters
Swedish government opposes NATO for long time but gradually changes during Ukraine war (after 200 years of neutrality and no wars) False nationalist party Sverigedemokraterna gr ...
modifying the lies
Lies are gradually forgotten. Starlink was said to revolutionize Internet service but turned into nothing. In foras it was vehemently denied that Starlink wo ...
building in secrecy
The networks build their power in secrecy and do not display it until they dominate the situation. EU started of as an alleged trade union, then bought the politicians who gave power and taxpayer m ...
most are fake and decoys: Bilderberg, WEF, Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones Free masons ...
The global agenda is inefficient since it is kept secret and many decoys must be used to cover the true ...
slow play
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The geopolitical game is played slowly. To get to make people not notice how globalization takes away their independence and money, the process is slow. ...
buying political power, owning other people, hereditary power, own nothing – be happy
Global actors have now accumulated so much wealth that they can control politicians and decision making bureaucrats. These decision makers now further transfers the people’s assets to the eli ...
gradual change
Globalization is almost always slow to make us not notice the change. Sometimes changes are not apparent to the new generation since they never saw something else. ...
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Media played along all the time, pretending they did not want Brexit and loves the EU. But media loves both Brexit and EU, as long as UK gets out. UK was too independent. As soon as UK went, maximu ...
2020 Christmas crisis, 2021 Christmas crisis
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Brexit deal a total success for ...
global takeover 2020’s
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US president is senile. Russia freaks out and invades Ukraine. Elon Musk fails every demand and deadline. News media describes development of Starship bu in fact nothing happens. Climate crisis was ...
building larger units and hiding this work
The unifying force in politics today is the efforts to create a global dictatorship by increasing the size of the units to be governed. The larger a unit is the longer the dista ...
pecking order
Any dictatorship must have a pecking order to maintain control. It seems the global dictatorship has put the US on top of the super powers and EU. Within the EU, France seems to be on top, collabor ...
a streak of hope
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Repression usually leaves a streak of hope to avoid provoking desperation and protest in the popula ...
leave the boss
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US left the Japanese Emperor when they took over. When Russians took part of Ukraine, attacks on Kiev were only false flag. Zelensky must be abele to boast some victories (defen ...
exaggerate problem
Newspapers exaggerate problems to make the real situation look less bad. ...
chopping up
chop up information to make it lose its context ...
Public debt, and personal debt
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EU promotes debt. To get funding you should be in debt. The US has large debt. Debt is how the networks control countries. See also Corona- ...
You will own nothing and you will be happy.
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You will own nothing and you will be happy. ...
pay to rebuild after crisis
A common way to set nations in debt is to create crisis and war and in different ways help them out of the problems. US Marshall plan, EU Corona relief funds, the same will prob ...
Greece downfall standard IMF procedure: bribe politicians - politicians borrow from banks and waste - national debt crisis - IMF loan - austerity - riots - water cannons & ...
privatization, deregulation; nationalization
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A basic mechanism for how big corps take over influence and funds from the state/people is privatization. ...
mail, postal service (attacks on any governmental business)
Mail is privatized. One reason is to control international trade and stop people from buying cheaply directly from producer. Amazon cheats European countries of tax by importing to low VAT countri ...
industrial parks, special economic zones
pay off politicians to create tax havens Meps, Carmen, Philippines; Amata city, Thailand ...
sell out of strong, flagship companies representing a country and governmental enterprise
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Companies that are strong and symbols for a country are sold out. ...
monopolies, oligopolies
privatization creates oligopolies that set any prices they like which is blamed on inflation ...
money transfer to corporations
money transfer to large corporations is central to privatization ...
controlling the entire chain
Amazon avoids paying VAT (importing through certain EU countries) and customs (cusomer just clicks a link). Amazon then lobbies privatized Swedish mail Postnord to add $7 handling fee for buys outs ...
corruption, bribes
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Private companies are less transparent. It is easier for the state to supervise publicly financed operations. The people can demand more transparency. ...
— other —
— ...
news coordination, the global agenda
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See also targets The flow of news is synchronized. Elections will not change policy. The world is controlle ...
subliminal negative signals, opposite message
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Articles and images often convey an opposite message, compared to what the text literally says. ...
information shifts
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The global agenda constantly contradicts itself. The only basic instinct is moving influence from the people. CO2 was increased by Corona packages later the climate agenda was reintroduced to lower ...
endless accusations
Long-winded law processes like Mueller, Ukraine against Trump and Brexit related towards Johnson. End in nothing. Pelosi: Democrats will move to impeach Trump ...
endless trials
The networks show their dislike for actors of other opinion by exposing them to almost endless trials in court. Trump/Mueller, Democrats Assange ...
Globalists and the fake radicals they employ (Soros’ left) always demand change and restructure. They give good causes but the change they undertake is global takeover. ...
split and destroy
To take over, globalists split countries into internal conflicts that destroy them. ...
summary 04 (00500)

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EU crisis summary Exaggerated crisis as a motive for taxation and power of contr ...
passivity, inactivity, in the face of problems and crises
In the face of problems and crises authorities do nothing to promote further crisis. ...
flow of crises, pulsations
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A crisis usually does not last forever, since the corporations must enter and make money. Corona was followed by recovery funds. Ukraine war will be similar. ...
replacing crises and hoaxes
Crises are often solved by inventing new, worse crises. Corona and even climate crises were replaced by the war in Ukraine. As Russia invaded Ukraine, Corona disappeared from the media headlines. T ...
environment, The Green Sting: regulation and energy starvation
The Green Sting(/Scam). In Europe green projects are more often run by the EU than the national governments and if you support green projects you are automatically forced to support EU/globalizatio ...
dirt, filth
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Being dirty is a logical consequence of energy depletion, not having hot water for washing. ...
population explosion, overpopulation
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High birth rates in developing countries are neglected in order to worsen crises and strengthen the refugees/weapons of mass migration. ...
overpopulation, lack of resources, poverty, starvation to increase competition and conflict
2022: inflation and energy crisis are used to create poverty to increases competition and conflict to increase dependence on authorities (cp the novel series Hunger Games) ...
We could possibly be subjected to starvation to increase conflict. ...
Fake crisis: Much worry and little (no) action. The climate crisis is constructed as an excuse to collect money by global institutions like the EU. Therefore, w ...
space exploration
News media focuses on space related activities. One prominent part is SpaceX/Musk’s plans to colonize Mars. It is extremely difficult and not at all possible the way Musk describes it. Musk s ...
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Exploration is demoted. Musk plans to explore Mars are a complete fantasy. White men with dangerous plans are given publicity, like Stockton ...
The Mars hoax to promote the climate hoax. ...
extraterrestrial life
2021: The search for life on Mars continues with rivers and exaggerated speculations. If there had been life on Mars it would have supported the climate change theories. ...
paranormal, extrasensory perception …
Support of paranaormal, occult, extrasensory perception (esp) etc destabilizes society and promotes undemocratic take over ...
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Elon Musk is presented as a super intelligent immigrant having founded SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Hyperloop, Neuralink and other major companies. It is not possible for one person to have done all that ...
There is no bad news, editorial advertising, Tesla
Tesla boasts of having no ad budget (but has in China). But Tesla is promoted through its political connections. Editorial material is much more often about Tesla than other brands. It can be envi ...
control of money is central, not ownership
Musk is presented as the world’s richest, but control of society is in the hands of the people that control the money, not that own it. Control is in the hands of firms like BlackRock, Larry ...
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Using the green agenda to convert economic power into political power. ...
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Regulus: 80316657 Partipolitik. Vi får väl se vem som vinner den striden. Från Elons Twitter (pun intended) i mo ...
technical inventions, inventors, entrepreneurs, technology
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Technical inventions, inventors, entrepreneurs and geniuses are demoted since they can help coutries rise from the dysfuntion of globalization. TEchnical inventors are more often men and will be de ...
total control (Elon Musk)
Musk’s backers promote an agenda of corporation total control. Musk opposes unions and litigation for damages. He wants this to be handled entirely by the corporation. Employees sign ...
Tesla, Amazon, Ubuntu (Linux)
Tesla, Amazon, Ubuntu are all global corps intended to wipe out small enterprise and local competition. ...
forgot how to do it!
lunar landings, nuclear power plants ...
buy up start ups, venture capital
Large enterprise and venture capital buy up or try to control start ups and sometimes kill the start ups. ...
no competition
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Corona lockdown, kills small businesses Google buys and kills s ...
cause effect, logic ceases to exist
Since all is rigged by NWO, cause and effect are now disconnected. Tesla, Northvolt produces little but have high value. Russia invades Ukraine but West repl ...
slow and sluggish bureaucracy, regulations
When all is centralized control mechanisms make society slow and sluggish, like the former USSR. Corona tests make travel difficult, in Hong Kong people line up in endless lines for testing. Hospit ...
consumers’ rights
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As newspapers have switched sides from helping ordinary people to joining large enterprise, consumers’ rights have deteriorated dramatically. Consumers are often cinsidefed ignorant by newspa ...
lifestyle; city/rural
Media in general give less positive coverage to people pursuing a stable life style, like people living in rural areas. ...
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News media reports not being questioned resembles religious beliefs. People like Musk or Thunberg are treated like saints. Thunberg is given an ascetic, madonna like image. Logical reasoning is sup ...
Abrahamic religions cooperate and fear buddhism
Jews control media and economy. Christianity was invented as a proxy religion e.g. taking over Rome. You can not become a Jew. They are the elite like party members in the USSR. ...
control is strong, widely spread and deep; infiltration, the long march
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Courts: Assange, plastic bag Police: Kamphuis, Assange Scienc ...
mass communication
TV is a central tool for indoctrination. ...
mass surveillance; censorship; planted scandals
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some of these are intentionally planted system criticism that will lead nowhere Credit card, phone calls/position, Google maps, Chrome surfing history, bookmarks, emails are tap ...
extensive regulations
If all EU rulebooks were piled on top of each other, the pile would be as high as Nelson’s Column in London. ...
ambiguous clauses
Using mass surveillance and ambiguous laws, any one can be sentenced. ...
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Cell phones do contribute to connectivity. But all in all interaction in person has diminished when people are more busy with their phones than people around them. ...
Artificial Intelligence, cloud, Neuralink, robots, universal basic income
Snowleopard: AI, robots, taking people’s jobs, Universal Basic Income Artificial I ...
virtual reality, metaverse
A deceptive world of virtual reality replaces the real world, in the media. The green transition is virtual ...
Culture is strongly controlled by the networks. Culture (like psychiatry) defines the goals and values of society and is central to regime brainwash. Immigrants from Latin Ameri ...
Bringing down Public Service media
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privatizing media ...
military, firearms; protecting the military
Military is almost always supported by the media. Miliitary can build conflict and cold war which are a foundation for locking down the world, stopping people from building bridges and taking back ...
juntas and generals
The Thai military junta is just a decoy that Move Forward Party can direct anger against while MFP has not revealed what its giant step forward is (=progressive hell). Maybe Pin ...
legal, judicial, courts, police
Courts and police are heavily influenced by the networks and decide according to the agenda. News media will treat police according to the current situation. When police allegedly kill black people ...
employment, job centers
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job centers were much privatized after political agreement JanuariAvtalet. They now try to give an image of a lack of work force in order to further increase immigration. All part of an over popula ...
political violence promoted
A doll of Turiey’s leader Erdogan was hung upside down outside Swedish town hall in january 2023. It is a reenactment of the execution of Mussolini. Police did not take action and tabloid Aft ...
Quality of medicare will go down in order to make people hate their own country, increase conflict and insecurity. More medicare will be run by companies. Less personal contact with patients. ...
gaslighting, diagnoses: Asperger, Alzheimer, Anorexia, age discrimination
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Psychiatry is strongly influenced by left-wing politics. Diagnoses are designed to promote the global agenda. Gaslighting (manipulating others to question themselves (including their sanity)) is ap ...
psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery
neurology, neurosurgery One reason psychiatry is left-wing is to ...
euthanasia, suicide
euthanasia is promoted with very little consideration. This is, among other reasons, probably related to discrimination of elderly more often getting incapacitated by disease. also making life less ...
socializing, friendships, conformity
People are encouraged to have many friends. Young people can even be diagnosed as having Asperger syndrome due to having few friends This is done in order to promote conformity. ...
dating, cohabitation, marriage, divorce
divorce rate up ...
drugs, alcohol, smoking
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The networks promote drugs. ...
Vegetarian diet is promoted to split population into groups. To cause confusion and chaos, unhealthy diets like 5-2 (2 days of fasting) and meat/fat-rich diets like paleo diets are advocated. ...
diverting people’s interests
To keep people sleeping: Avoid letting people bet interested in how their society is constructed. Try to focus people on immediate satisfaction like food, sex, porn, drugs, video games. If they sti ...
paranormal, ET, UFO
Unverified, speculative and paranormal things are promoted in order to question verified facts and relativize norms. ...
The press usually takes the side of cheaters, like athletes using doping. This naturally destabilizes authority and creates chaos. The chaos makes it easier for the networks to overtake democratica ...
talk vs action
Talking becomes prioritized at the expense of action since decisions are not made openly and based on efficiency but the true motives are to conform to the global dictatorship. Therefore talk and t ...
daily life
cocooning, shopping from home, working from home Bezos, Amazon, mail order ...
upbringing, education, child rearing, career choice; original state of a human; manipulations;
Children of network members are carefully guided towards careers in areas important for controlling society. The author knew one top high-school student who unexpectedly chose to study politics. Ne ...
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Manipulations are a central part of global take over. ...
values, immoral behavior, scams, scammers, con men
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Newspapers constantly twist the news according to the global agenda. Courts and authorities do the same. Therefore education of values will regard immoral behavior and lying with leniency. ...
intolerance, disrespect, conspiracy teories
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In order to promote a centralized agenda that demotes other ways of thinking, disrespectful behavior and people are promoted. Preferably just stamp them as conspiracy theories. Science and objectiv ...
Children are extremely adaptive and can be given almost any values. The globalist system trains people to conflict. We are encouraged to assert ourselves by aggressive conduct. ...
the spiral of silence, ostracism, outcast
a social group or society might isolate or exclude members due to the members’ opinions. This stipulates that individuals have a fear of isolation. This fear of isolation consequently leads t ...
Few people are willing to give up the control over their lives to unknown global dictators. Therefore the global dictatorship uses hidden networks to try to control society. Another reason to hide ...
working skill
1. Countries are made to function poorly so their proples will disrespect their own countries which can be replaced by global control. 2. Employees with poor skill will be promoted since they are ...
destruction of culture and national symbols
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Abolishing regional and national traditions and customs is pronounced. Considering waving the national flag an insult to immigrants. Greta celebrating Midsummer in a way that ridicules the custom. ...
other actors; United Nations, WEF, church, monarchy, royalties
United Nations, WEF, church, monarchy, royalties ...
censorship, freedom of speech
Assange Ukraine Myrotvorets, country supported by EU. Iran ...
Abolition of human rights in Hong Kong, 2018
Hong Kong ...
elections, voting system
After losing an election, globalists often blame the voting system. By summing the total number of votes they can sometimes claim this is the people’s vote which was not expressed in the resu ...
chaos (2), rumors; uncertain or contradictory information; relativism
Vague and incomplete news gives room for media to choose different interpretations depending on context. Readers will make different interpretations and will be split in groups. ...
gradually leaking facts or reporting about an undecided event
By gradually leaking data, sometimes starting with false data, media can manipulate the discussion and artificially create interest by building a mystery. ...
families in power, hereditary power
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I Assangefallet framkom att WikiLeaks ligger på en server som administreras av Piratpartiet i Sverige. Men den ledande Piratpartisten OS (givetvis gay) hade grundat Bahnhof internetleverantör, ha ...
hazy background, short expiry date
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Many media story protagonists have a vague background. Their personality has probably been constructed to fit a certain role and the pieces that don’t fit must be withheld. Sometimes actors s ...
projects delayed to promote agenda resulting in poor efficiency
Global projects are often started not for efficiency or results but in order to promote an agenda in the media. Therefore the projects continue over extended periods without gaining results after w ...
stories, fairy tales
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[ Assange, Kamphuis, Catalán-Sharp, Hagen, Skripal, Kim Jong-nam, Nemtsov, Babchenko, Mindanao, Tham Luang, Iran, IA 655, Warmbier, Chem. weapons Syria, Epstein, Bjärred, Zapstista, Enchrochat, E ...
runs out into nothing, nothingburgers
Sensational revelations, incriminating for the system afe sometimes published but in the end proves to contsin othing Wikileaks, Manning, thousands of documemts of no value, sh ...
display of power, 0
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Mattson fired over the day. ...
stories/downfall, breaking bad or failing (display of power 1)
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[ Assange, Kamphuis, Manning, Catalán, Snowden, Kashoggi, Juholt, Nixon, Trump, Putin, Correa, Patiño, Puigdemont, Catalonia independence, Capitol Riots, Convoy to Ottawa 2022, Zapatista, Sikh te ...
minor discomfort (display of power 2)
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A further way to display power is to afflict subordinates to minor discomfort, like fluid regulations for air travel and wearing face masks long after Corona has stopped being a threat. (Cp breakin ...
You will never get us (display of power 3)
Eva Kaili, EU official taking bribes. The judge accusing her has already had to resign. She is still in parliament. (April, 2024) ...
kill the chicken to scare the monkey
杀 鸡 儆 猴 kill the chicken to scare the monkey assange kamphuis catalan dom phillips ...
choice of medium
The choice of medium is important for interpreting the information. Video like YouTube makes it difficult to quote and discuss details. Therefore less serious and less verified information is somet ...
Tesla is a showcase for fake green varnish on fossil economy ...
local copy cat
National authorities and newspapers often copy international events. ...
softening bad news
When e.g EU makes negative decicions they are initially presented as more negative than in reality. Discussions in foras can then focus on EU not being as bad, after all. ...
the image says it all
The illustrations often says more about the intentions of a newspaper article than the text. ...
actors, appearances; body characteristics; theatre
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Many or most of the personalities we meet in media are actors playing a role. For example British TV host Jeremy Clarkson plays an aggressive character. He hits a coworker, he provokes Argentinians ...
summary 04 (00600)

Jewish networks
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The Jewish diaspora is probably the most important foundation for globalization. The diaspora was voluntary. They arranged to be kicked out of countries. It was a method of spread. ...
equating independence with nazism
If you oppose EU ockupation you are either a nazi or financed by Moscow. ...
the Holocaust card
Jewish actors try to make criticism nog their actions seem like criticism of their ethnicity. If you criticize media (whose owners often are Jewish) Internet trolls criticize you of antisemitism or ...
genocide, people replacement, ethnic cleansing
The jewish people was exposed to genocide during WW2 but is today stronger than ever. The Swedish people are being replaced in the 2000’s. ...
strong criticism, but of remote, irrelevant aspect
Israel is often criticzed harshly, like settlers. Probably to hide that Jewish networks are strongly protected. ...
diverting to personal aspects
If you criticize Jewish media owners or influence by jewish networks you are branded a nazi. If you criticize Greta Thunbergs politics you are harassing a young girl. ...
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The press often labels it critics (racist, misogynist …). This is a way to try to make criticism of the press seem like personal problems among people who criticize it. ...
the overall picture
A common way of disrupting a message is to split it into parts. Moderators can do it by demanding that a subject is split into sub-parts. Posters can do it by replying to one paragraph in a message ...
Mass immigration controlled by Jewish newspapers is focused on ethnic problems between christians and muslims. When EU makes us pay debts for Spain and Italy, those countries ar ...
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Misleading words. The tools/words people are given to understand their own situation are intentionally defect. The New World Order is probab ...
child rearing
children are flexible and can be conditioned in different ways. They can either learn conflict or cooperation. ...
breaking self confidence
The global networks try to break the self confidence of people so they do not try to build something. Consumer support has changed into declaring victims of fraud and poor manufacturing as idiots. ...
fear and intimidation, psychological warfare, panic
psychological warfare Staffanstorp, ...
activity, criticism up to a limit
Criticism against the EU is not allowed on important points, like energy prices or prolonged war in Ukraine. Criticism is just occasionally allowed on insignificant detail or even alleged positive ...
The false law of Jante
The law of Jante was made up to discredit societies that cooperate. ...
the scare factor
Globalist actors in roles that criticize the system are part of designed dramas where they meet problems. ...
Free sex is promoted to create chaos and conflict. ...
sex offence
One type of intimidation is starting trials for made up sex offenses, like in the Assange case. ...
Hunger Games ...
Clark Olofsson ...
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Media promotes violence. Fake nationalist AfS supporters call others cuck if they disagree with fighting immigrants in the streets. If Corona restrictions are debated, gyms are often highlighted si ...
anger is promoted since it enhances conflict ...
blame, guilt, bad conscience
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Imposing guilt is central to the globalist agenda. Like when Greta Thunberg blames the older generation. (This is done to cause division in society.) ...
demands of equal rights used to discriminate
Newspapers defend immigration by having an open, multicultural society. But when Swedish people move into areas inhabited by Sami people, the newspapers defend the Samis inborn right to the territo ...
moral breakdown
loosening of moral ...
applying present moral standard on past events
applying present mroal standard on past events ...
projecting own faults
Globalist actors often just project their own problems onto others. Greta Thunberg spreads hatred towards older people and men, but claims to be hated. Many actors that claim to ...
never think outside the box
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Don’t think outside the box, you will never succeed. ...
blame the victim
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Those opposed to mass immigration are falesly labeled racists. Opposition to mass immigration does not mean having an opinion that one race is better than the other. After long time different ethni ...
blame the individual, people are considered idiots
Encouraging diagnosing individuals will move the blame for problems relating to society to the individual and the system will not be questioned. ...
Whistleblowers are opposed by the global media system since news media and large corporations have united in an effort to take over control of society, from democratically elected governments. ...
when countries cooperate, individuals are blamed for being lenient
Henrik Stenson is blamed for playing for Saudi when in fact EU buys Saudi oil. Messi is blamed for accepting a Qatar robe of honor when West is buing Qatari oil ...
memory is short
EU 2019: climate was in focus, low CO2 2020: stimulus packages after Corona, now suddenly we should increase consumption and CO2 instead! ...
memory erasure
Elon Musk never Twitters about his native South Africa. He is a global person with no history or affiliation to country. ...
future plans, predictions, alleged feelings/worry
To be able to lie more freely, politicians and media often focus on future predictions. Climate action means setting up goals 30 years ahead (when the world has perished long ago according to the s ...
agree to a certain point
Party SD was strongly anti globalist but gradually turned in most important issues as their support grew. Internet trolls agree in superficial matters. If discussion becomes foc ...
vague and oppositely meaning terms
Nationalism means open societies and multiculture since globalism means dividing people and nations and licking them down like with Covid restrictions. So called multiculturalis ...
conformism, mobbing, cancel culture, target individuals (TI)
To exert hidden control group formation is essential. Conformism and mobbing is therefore strengthened. Compassion and tolerance are not accepted. ...
target individuals, suppression of free speech
As described in this blog, the global networks include banks, large and many smaller enterprice, police, courts and other important actors in society. Any person criticizing the global agenda will ...
Media and trolls try to paint a picture where globalists are successful and those criticizing globalism and it s values as financially less well off loners. Financial values are prioritized at the ...
Humor as a weapon agains oppression. ...
decoys, excuses
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See also decoys The military is a decoy to hide the NWO. Media describe many conflicts between count ...
diverting anger
EU corruption Kaili ...
vague criticism
Vague criticism will not lead to action and improvement. Criticism is unspecific in order to create conflict and not to solve conflict. ...
false flag, controlled opposition
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Controlled opposition in Sweden: Opposition does not go against Swedish government approving €750 bn rescue package Jewish owned DN support the Palestinians! ...
torchlight processions
Using torches and demonstrating in the evening gives a scary and repellant image. It is almost exclusively used by false flag right wingers, in fact employed by the regime, like protesters against ...
fake conflicts/infiltration, exfiltration
infiltration: Bill Binney (A Good American) considered renegade agent in norder to attract true defectors exfiltration Ola Bini, exfiltrated from Ecuador via prison in friendly ...
Musk tries to give an impressoin that his bid for Twitter was hasty. In fact he needs the platform badly to continue expanding his empire. Macron says it is difficult to fast-tr ...
right leaning politicians act intentionally clumsily
Right leaning politicians sometimes act in erroneous ways since they in fact support global values. ...
right detractors
right leaning activists are sometimes probably employed in activities portrayed in the media as opposing democracy, development etc ...
intentional errors to appear human
making intentional errors can make a person look human and attact sympathy ...
leaks are controlled
leaks are controlled ...
Globalists today are sometimes Catholics. Pope overthrown, Podesta emails. Latin America in media shadow. ...
keeping busy, distraction, formalization
Globalist leaders keep competent, independent workers busy and out of influence. ...
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– actors we are taught to hate — fat, strange hairdo, white skin Trump, Johnson — fat Bolsonaro, Lu ...
connecting opposites
Pride parades are bad since they sexualize gays. Gays are just gays but the parades are bad. EU-cooperation is a bad expression. Cooperation is good but EU is taking money and i ...
portraying critics as misfits, connecting them to sex crime
System critics are connected to sex crimes. ...
accepting the ludicrous
We are taught to accept the ludicrous. The Ukraine president is a dancer and actor. Greta Thunberg, a ...
flow of nothing
In order to hide important events, like how people and countries lose power to globalist institutions like the EU, news media produces a flow of insignificant news that also are slanted according t ...
the devil is in the details
details override message The main event of an article is often just a pretext to spread details that conveys an attitude. ...
big talk – no action, no talk – significant action
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Biden talks big on climate. – His own senators stop the plan. Trump opposes climate action spending. – Congress starts 10 meaningless investigations against him, li ...
minor criticism
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Pseudo problems Does Starlink block those (children a cording to SpaceX Shotwell) that want to study stars. Did sex-criminal Epstein tour SpaceX (long before his wrongdoings wer ...
false leads
The global agenda spreads apparently contradictory information that, however, after closer scrutiny proves to be worthless and all in all will support the global agenda. ...
using animosity
To promote false ideas, actors expected to evoke animosity into the reader are often used. To promote a false theory about Clinton killing e.g. Set Rich, ...
selection, cherry picking, falsifiability
100 SVT Text Tisdag 02 mar 2021 … WHO: Antalet smittofall ökar – första gången på sju veckor If Covid ...
pseudo activities
In order to make unimportant things seem imprtant they are blown up in news media ...
cartoon images
cartoon like illustrations are used in media to ridicule without taking responsibility for the ridiculing ...
pseudo news items
Greta in India is pseudo news, a constructed news item. It is published in the West but her actions do not influence India. ...
cover up by similar
Covering up other news by presenting similar news. link ...
fairy tales
Many stories printed in the press world wide are quite simply made up. Zaida Catalán was a young woman with ...
worry, stress, emotion, drama, disaster; lack of information, rumors
Media try to elicit emotions to make readers susceptible to the message. ...
bad boy image
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Elon Musk is presented as a bad boy, in small ways going against the system. This will not counteract the system in any significant way. It just adds flavor to the story. ...
mutual promotion
Musk buys Twitter and both get publicity, like a celebrity marriage, ref ...
cyber attacks
cyber attacks Bank identification stop ...
worry, doomsday prophesies
To increase the susceptibility of the receiver, media exaggerate danger and catastrophies. ...
danger; extreme sports etc
Extreme sports are sometimes used to depict men as careless daredevils. Extreme sport ...
empty leads
exaggerated information that sounds incriminating but shows to be very little ...
mysteries, gradual presentation of facts
To increase the reader attraction to fairy tales and other stories, the agenda sometimes add bits of mystery, like in Kamphuis ...
education, working life
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The higher educative system neutralizes high achievers by over-amphasizing detail in studies like for engineers and doctors. Continuing this tendency into working life will load down the high achie ...
indirect promotion/slander
What is meant to influence the receiver of a message is often the details around the main event. Ex: ...
Science is being broken down. Climate agenda only allows science supporting it to be published. During Greta Thunberg’s heydays, once 11.000 scientists had signed a document stressing the gra ...
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Philosophy is one of the several sciences counteracted by the networks. It would be dangerous if people started questioning goals like aquiring money, who is entiteled to rule other people through ...
Since science is counteracted, superstition takes its place. ...
fairness, efficiency
Several points in globalization can easily be argued against 1. The rules are changing. E.g. small bus ...
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The globalist system is based on lies obvious to anyone looking into it and questioning media information. In order to hide it, education must be kept poor superficial culture is promoted. sex, dru ...
the global agenda often include long planning
* Jeff Bezos is given an unfavourable image in media to give Elon Musk a more positive image. Bezos’ projects never really compare to Musk’s, like Rivian/Tesla, moon landers, Kuiper/Sta ...
When the global networks stumbled
Global plots are well planned and smaller wrinkles can be ironed out by their complete domination of the press. Only few incidents come to mind. * Cryptocurrencies were heavily ...
US atrocities and war crimes, failures quickly forgotten
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US war crimes and failures – make war agenda seem less fabricated
War Crimes, see above; Operation Red Wings, EAgle Claw ...
[ 1984, The Matrix, Inception, Deus Ex, The Da Vinci Code, Hunger Games, Robocop, The Godfather] ...
popular; Orwell, Trotsky
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Orwell 1984 Great predictions. It was first banned. It describes the fake nature of the cold war that is intended to support our own governm ...
not woke
JK Rowling, trans issues ...
The future looks bleak since globalization is based on conflict between groups. When people lose democratic control, conflicts w ...